Drama Dreamers
Acting: Grade 4-6

Drama Dreamers
Acting: Grade 4-6

Sep 14, 2024 TO
Nov 16, 2024


Sep 14, 2024 TO
Nov 16, 2024

Sign up now and be part of the magic!

Jump into the spotlight and shine on stage with our fun, hands-on acting classes! Let loose and get creative through exciting theatre games, energetic warmups, and engaging exercises. Build confidence and teamwork as you master your acting skills and create your own, show-stopping, original piece!

Key Skills: Character development, storytelling, collaboration, presentation, confidence, vocal and physical expression  

September 14 – November 16, 2024

Theatre Aquarius
190 King William Street, Hamilton

“Theatre School is one of the very few places that (Youth Name) seems the most relaxed – thank you for being a part of that.”



Fall SessionClasses: Saturdays, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
September 14 – November 16, 2024
* No classes on Thanksgiving weekend, October 12