Laura Ellis is thrilled to be back as part of the Hamilton Fringe Festival. She is an actor, director, and writer, who has trained with and worked for several companies including Nightwood Theatre, Canadian Stage, Theatre Aquarius, Tarragon Theatre, and the Magnetic North Theatre Festival. Performance highlights include: The Tragedy of Othella Moore (Best of Fringe), Much Ado About Nothing (Best of Fringe), Romeo & Juliet: An Escapist Comedy (Critic’s Choice), Caleb & Rita (Audience Choice), Your Own Sons (Viewer’s Choice), Bridezilla VS. The Apocalypse (Best in Venue), See Bob Run, Amigos Blue Guitar, Macbeth, and Hamlet. Laura has created arts organizations such as Hamilton Ladies of Film and Television (LOFT) and Women’s Work which showcase the talent of underrepresented artists while providing mentorship, training, and space to create/promote their work. She is a proud graduate of the Ontario Fire Academy and Student Director for Fire Service Women Ontario.