Michael Mortley

Musical Theatre Choreography

Michael Mortley graduated from the university of Trinidad and Tobago in 2015. He Attended
Beijing Dance Academy from 2015 to 2016. When he first arrived in Canada, he worked with
KasheDance and performed in Re: Imagining TPM in April 2018. He also worked with Cultural
Pluralism in the Arts Movement Ontario (CPAMO) at The Gathering in 2018, 2019 and 2020.

Michael has also had the pleasure of working for Wind in the leaves Collective on the Searching
for Eastman project as a dancer and collaborator in the creation of that full length work. He has
also work with Ronald Taylor Dance on a project entitled Psychosis in June 2019 and then again
in October 2019 for Rendezvous with Madness festival as a dancer and costume designer.
Michael has also travelled to Winnipeg and New Brunswick respectively to perform in NAFRO
Dance Presents: Moving Inspirations Dance Festival with KasheDance and Impact Festival by
Atlantic Ballet with Wind in the leaves collective.

Michael is also a photographer for Ronald Taylor Dance as well as other noted dance
companies. He also does social media and administrative work as well.