Subscribers get the absolute best prices of the season with preferred seating and unlimited ticket exchanges.
Only Subscribers get advance access to 25% off single tickets from June 2, 2025, to July 2, 2025. A 15% discount on additional tickets to mainstage shows for friends and family will apply after July 2, 2025.
Subscribers play an integral role in fueling our mission, ensuring we can continue to provoke, delight, inspire, and transform audiences in Hamilton and beyond.
Buy a 5 Play Subscription Package online. Or call the Box Office team to secure your 5 Play Subscription at 905.522.7529 or toll free at 1.800.465.7529. Email us at boxoffice@theatreaquarius.org for general information.
Adam Brazier, Addison Wagman, Jamie McRoberts and Finn Kirk. A CHRISTMAS STORY, THE MUSICAL (2024) Photo by Dahlia Katz.
Get tickets to any of our six main stage shows for the 2024-2025 season. Single tickets start as low as $25! Buy Online or call Box Office at 905.522.7529 or toll-free at 1.800.465.7529.
Platinum $95 + fees & HSTGold $72 + fees & HSTSilver $68 + fees & HSTBronze $52 + fees & HSTCopper $25 + fees & HST
Copper SeatsAll Copper seating is $25 + fees & HST.Arts Worker TicketsAvailable for $25 each (+ fees & HST) with no ticketing or handling fees, available only by calling the Box Office. One valid arts worker ID must be presented at Will Call.
Group DiscountsCall Box Office to secure group discounts for students, colleagues or other groups: 10 – 25 tickets save 15%26 – 49 tickets save 20%50+ tickets save 25%